Baby Teeth FAQs

Don’t underestimate the importance of your child’s baby teeth! Learn the answers to some frequently asked questions here.

When should my child first visit a dentist?
We recommend making your first appointment for your child at around 2 years old unless of course you have concerns.

What can I expect at my child’s first dentist appointment?
We believe it is crucial that the first experience your child has at the dentist is a positive one so at this appointment you can expect friendly faces, education and fun treats to encourage your child’s enthusiasm for caring for their teeth.

Are baby teeth important?
Yes! We often hear “they are only baby teeth” but these teeth are important to help you chew, speak and smile. They also help give your face its shape. Early loss of these teeth can affect the eruption of the permanent teeth and cause ongoing orthodontic problems. Please don’t underestimate the importance of taking care of the baby teeth!

When should I start brushing my child teeth?
At birth we usually have 20 baby (primary) teeth, which start to erupt at about 6 months of age. The most important thing is to start developing good oral hygiene habits as soon as the teeth appear.


Child Dental Benefit Scheme


Choosing the Right Toothbrush